Jim Mackie

Specjalista ds. Zarządzania zachowaniem zwierząt, Trener Zwierząt

Jim has worked at The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) for 25 years becoming the first Animal Behaviour management Officer in 2013. In this role, Jim is responsible for training, enrichment and behaviour-based husbandry solutions, across ZSL’s two zoos, London and Whipsnade. Jim currently works within the Evidence-based Animal Care team, who oversee animal welfare, diet management, behaviour management and research.

Jim helped found and chaired the BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquaria) Animal Training and Behaviour Working Group until 2022, is Vice Chair of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) Animal Training Working Group and is an EAZA Academy instructor specialising in the use of animal training to maximise welfare potential in zoos and aquaria.

Jim regularly lectures, presents and provides workshops about zoo animal training and behaviour both at home and abroad.


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