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Ines Szotowska DVM

Avian medicine specialist

A graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. From an early age, she associated her future with birds. This resulted in the choice of veterinary medicine and specialization in the field of avian medicine. She completed numerous apprenticeships and internships, both in Poland and abroad. The most important thing that guided her as a „bird doctor” was trips to the Veterinary Montevecchia clinic, where she could learn from Dr. Lorenzo Crosta (dipl. ECZM Zoo Health Management). He regularly trains himself by reading specialist literature as well as participating in national and international conferences and courses. Since March 2019, he has been receiving Kiwi in the Veterinary Office in Warsaw, of which he is a co-owner. Due to the complexity of the problems faced by birds, she has always dreamed of creating a comprehensive bird care centre where you can get help not only with purely medical problems but also behavioural or nutritional advice. Hence, her interests include not only medicine but also bird behaviour and dietetics. He is willing to share knowledge – he writes articles, conducts workshops and lectures, where he always includes the aspect of his own experiences and observations from practice. Recently, she has started a new project related to the education of bird owners and guardians – Projekt Ptasia Edukacja.

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